Study of the process of steam conversion of coal in the catalyst aerosol with the help of mathematical applications


  • I. M. Hlikina Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • Ye. I. Zubtsov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


steam reforming, catalyst, aerosol catalysis, coal, activity


The article considers the main sources of energy in Ukraine. Coal as one of the most ancient sources of energy is considered in more detail. The distribution of coal mines throughout the country is small, but the use of coal occupies one of the first places in the energy sector. The article considers the process of steam reforming of coal. At the same time, the course of this process is considered not according to the well-known technology, but according to a new promising technology of aerosol nanocatalysis. This technology has proven itself in oxidation processes, because the catalyst in the aerosol state becomes highly active. At the moment, we are considering a new direction - the process of steam reforming with the production of synthesis gas as the main product. The possibility of planning the process using the SciLab and Microsoft Excel software systems is presented in the article. The SciLab system was created as an assistant for those who are engaged in scientific research. There you can not only draw up balances of chemical processes, but there is the possibility of mathematical and statistical processing of scientific research data. Microsoft Excel is easier to use and similar in professional functionality to other systems. With the help of this system, it is also possible to make calculations of different levels of complexity, to analyze experimental data by various methods of statistical processing. The system allows you to view graphical dependencies that help determine the effects of any parameter of a chemical process. Due to this property, it is possible to foresee the influence of the ratio of raw materials on the production of energy products for the steam reforming of coal. It is possible to choose the parameters of the chemical process to determine the optimal mode of the process. The article considers the possible aerodynamic mode of the process of steam reforming of coal according to certain basic parameters of the process. This allows us to suggest a schematic diagram of the main apparatus for the process of steam reforming of coal using the technology of aerosol nanocatalysis. As a result, it was found that the process of steam reforming of coal using the technology of aerosol nanocatalysis has the right to exist.


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