Clothing design as an element of corporate style


  • Ye. O. Mazniev Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • V. I. Ochkurenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • H. L. Melkonov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


corporate identity, design of clothes, decoration


The article considers a comprehensive approach to the development and creation of corporate identity. Creating a corporate identity of an enterprise or organization becomes one of the main tasks for the "recognition" of products and services of this enterprise. Clothing design in this matter often remains in the context of creating uniforms for employees. The definition of principles and prospects of development of design-designing and production of clothes as an integral element of corporate style, as a means of identification of the enterprise is considered. The main elements (constant and changing) were considered and the role and place of design of branded clothing as one of the elements of corporate identity of enterprises was determined. The main directions of design design of branded clothing are considered: design design of uniforms, development of requirements and implementation of dress code, design design of branded accessories, finishing of branded clothing. The modern process of clothing design is analyzed: its four main stages. The main factors taken into account in the design of clothing as an element of corporate style, namely the presence of logo and "colors" of the company, requirements for uniforms or dress codes, quantitative and "qualitative" composition of employees, its "functional" purpose and more. Identified as one of the most promising and least expensive ways to create branded clothing (corporate style) using decoration in design, especially using modern traditional and innovative technologies: printing, embroidery machine, 3-D printing, gadgets and additional fibers and more.


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