On the question of determining the main factors of gas danger in coal mines of Ukraine


  • O. A. Oleinichenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • O. V. Liubymova-Zinchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • O. M. Korchuhanova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • V. I. Hurtovyi Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


methane, methane emissions, gas evolution, gas bearing capacity, treatment face, gas hazard, coal mines


The regulatory framework for the safe development of gas-bearing coal seams is outdated. This applies to the establishment of the categorical danger of mines and the forecast of gas emissions during mining operations. This work summarizes the results of research on the establishment of the main factors of gas danger in coal mines of Ukraine. Due to the transition to deeper horizons, the gas balance and sources of methane release during treatment have changed. In modern mines, the main share of gas emissions comes from the forged coal seam. The change in the gas balance and the share of the main sources of methane emissions of its components has led to a change in the factors that determine the danger of mining. The current level of gas evolution depends on both the methane resources contained in the forged sources and the rate of advance of the treatment face. The total amount of methane released remains a constant value for the specific size of the excavation field. The indicator of the amount of gas released from the unit area of the produced space, formed in the process of monthly advancement of the treatment face, is not a constant parameter for specific mining-geological and mining conditions. The change in this indicator is similar to the dependence of gas evolution, attributed to the ton of coal produced. With sufficient development of treatment works in the mine field, additional sources of gas emissions appear outside the excavated area in operation, under the influence of increased shear of forged rocks. This must be taken into account when designing ventilation schemes of excavated areas and the directions of action of the general mine depression. The obtained scientific results allow to develop a new method of gas hazard assessment in coal mines and forecast of gas evolution from the coal seam on the basis of available production experience and technical documentation on establishing the categorical hazard of coal enterprises in previous years in accordance with current regulations.


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