Identification of dangerous properties of mine plastics by genetic and technological indicators of coal
metamorphism, spontaneous fire, geological and genetic factors, elemental constituentsAbstract
Underground coal mining has one of the highest levels of risk in terms of worker safety and health. New technologies, significant capital investments, continuous learning and changes in health and safety among the participants in the production process have made significant and lasting changes for the better. The analysis of the regulatory framework of Ukraine for the extraction of fossil solid fuels was carried out, which showed that there are contradictions in the parameters characterizing the reliability of the forecast for the manifestation of hazardous properties of mine layers during mining and does not exclude the possibility of emergencies with the full implementation of preventive measures. The basis for the determination of the hazardous properties of mines are the average reflectance of vitrinite, the content of individual components in the organic mass, changes in the content of moisture and mineral impurities. These classification indicators are quantified in the entire range of coal metamorphism degrees. An additional classification indicator for identifying the hazardous properties of anthracites can be the logarithm of electrical resistivity and other auxiliary indicators, after justifying their use in certain ranges of a number of metamorphisms. It was found that the existing wide range of changes in the vitrinite reflectance for anthracites characterizes significant changes in the structure and properties of fossil fuels. These features of the change in anthracite in the process of metamorphism are practically not established by classification according to genetic and technological parameters.
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