Analysis of the work of dual-flow sieve type plates with free section up to 25%


  • G.V. Taranenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



hole, parameter, free section, diameter, dual-flow sieve type plate


In industry, column apparatuses with mass transfer contacts are widely used for absorption and rectification procedures. One of the types of such devices are dual-flow sieve type plates. The design of these trays allows them to be used when working with polluted environment, since the alternating passage of vapor and liquid through the holes provides a self-cleaning effect. From the graphs, Fig. 8, it can be seen that the hydraulic resistance of dual-flow sieve type plates with a hole, d0 = 0,023 m, is much greater than the hydraulic resistance of a tray with holes, d0 = 0,005 m, with the same free section of both trays. In, there is also an increase in the hydraulic resistance of dual-flow sieve type plates with an increase in the diameter of the holes for the same free section of the trays, for the same experimental conditions. It is necessary to carry out studies on large diameter columns in order to determine the dependence of the hydrodynamic parameters of dual-flow sieve type plates on the diameter of the holes in the tray plateau. Dual-flow sieve type plates cymbals have been little studied abroad. It is of interest to study such trays, especially on industrial columns of small diameter. When using dual-flow sieve type plates with large hole diameters, the range of their stable operation on columns of small diameter is reduced. Such trays are recommended to be used on large columns. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the gas-liquid layer on a dual-flow sieve type plates are considered based on the Bernoulli equation in three sections. The first one, at the level of the tray plateau, the second one, at the level H ≈ 0,1 m from the tray plateau, and the third one, at the outlet of the gas-liquid layer. In the second section, the bifurcation of the gas-liquid layer occurs. Equations (2) - (4) are designed to calculate the bifurcation point of the gas-liquid layer on the trays of dual-flow sieve type plates., with the diameter of the holes in the tray d0 = 0,012 m. Studies of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a dual-flow sieve type plates with a hole diameter d0= 0,023 m and a free section f = 0,16 were carried out. Further research is needed in order to obtain equations for calculating the bifurcation point a dual-flow sieve type plates a hole diameter d0 = 0,025 m. The results of the research can be used in the calculation of the a dual-flow sieve type plates.


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