Analysis of the application of PTV VISSIM software for modeling traffic flows


  • N.B. Chernetska-Biletska Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • A.R. Shtykov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



simulation modeling, street-road network, PTV VISSIM, vehicle, incoming flows, analysis, forecasting


The article is devoted to the study of the PTV VISSIM software package. The paper presents an analysis of the application of the PTV VISSIM software, which is designed to create simulation models of the street and road network. The purpose of the work is to study and use the capabilities of VISSIM on the example of the model of the existing road network, as modern engineering approach to the planning and analysis is impossible to imagine without a modeling tool, especially when it comes to the planning of road traffic. The simulation results can be used to analyze the movement of vehicles, predict the occurrence of congestion, organize rational schedules for public transport and solve many other problems that allow creating a sufficiently fast, safe and convenient movement of vehicles on the street network. It has been established that in the global automotive industry in the last decade, there has been a steady trend associated with the growth of private vehicles with an increase in demand for transport services, which inevitably leads to an increase in traffic on urban roads, is the cause of many transport problems. The latter most often include the uneven distribution of vehicles along city routes, the formation of traffic jams, an increase in noise levels, an increase in the environmental load on certain sections of urban road networks, as well as additional costs of fuel and lubricants. In this regard, there is an urgent need to radically revise the approach to the design of the road network, to support the introduction of intelligent transport modeling systems and other modern methods of traffic planning. A modern engineering approach to planning and analysis cannot be imagined without a simulation tool, especially when it comes to motion planning. Thus, PTV VISION VISSIM is an indispensable tool for managing the transport process at all its levels, including modeling and analysis of pedestrian and transport traffic, and its study and use can significantly reduce the duration and complexity of designing complex elements of transport infrastructure, providing this maximizes the efficiency and safety of their functioning. In order to demonstrate its capabilities, a simulation model of a real intersection has been developed.


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