CAD - systems and principles of visuality in the study of technical disciplines


  • L.V. Karpyuk Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • N.O. Davydenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



graphic disciplines, didactic principles, the principle of visibility, visual aids, CAD systems, three-dimensional modeling, standards, design documentation, design


The article discusses the issues and problems of students graphic learning, which they face while studying technical disciplines. A new high-quality approach to the students graphic training of various levels of education is needed in modern conditions in technical universities. Increased requirements are imposed on the training of specialists in the engineering industry. The implementation of these requirements in the context of the traditional education system is associated with certain difficulties. The introduction of information technologies (including 3D modeling) in teaching allows you to quickly develop and offer students a variety of options for individual tasks on a large number of topics, taking into account the level of initial geometric, graphic and computer readiness of students. The level of complexity of individual tasks should be such as to arouse the student's need to start working on a computer to analyze and optimize the individual stages of solving the task. The article also shows the importance of using the didactic principle of visibility in the study of graphic disciplines, presents a classification of visualization tools. The theoretical and methodological aspects of a more complete application of the didactic possibilities of visual teaching aids as an unrealized potential in improving the teaching of graphic disciplines, mastering the methodology of their rational use are considered. Problems related to visibility in the study of graphic disciplines have always been relevant, since descriptive geometry, engineering graphics and computer graphics study the shape, size and relative position of various objects in space. The design features of mechanical engineering products require high-quality training of specialists who are proficient in modern information technologies. The article also discusses the methods of organizing the educational process using computer technologies and substantiates the need to use CAD systems in order to increase the visibility and quality in the study of graphic disciplines in the training of specialists from technical universities. The principle of modern CAD systems operation is based on the use of the same techniques for creating three-dimensional models and obtaining drawings. This makes it possible to organize the training of students on the basis of one package, and at the same time it is not unreasonable to assume that they will be able to work with other similar packages. The role of modern computer-aided design systems is actively growing, so it is important to use CAD in the educational process of future bachelors in mechanical engineering. First of all, this concerns the analysis based on CAD-systems, which provide a more visual, deep and high-quality assimilation of educational material by students together with classical disciplines. In addition, in-depth knowledge gained from CAD can help you win the competition in the labor market. CAD modules are widely used for 2D and 3D modeling.


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