Choice of cutting tool for machining of casting crust of high alloy white cast iron
expansion of technological capabilities, grinding wheel, cutter, cubic boron nitrite, chilled cast iron, cutting conditionsAbstract
The article considers the process of machining with blade tools from synthetic superhard materials machine parts with unique physical and mechanical properties. Superhard materials from cubic boron nitride (CBS) were selected from a wide range. Turning cutters with mechanical plate mounting were selected as the cutting tool. Preference was given to round plates made of hexanite, which is one of the modifications of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride, and has the highest impact resistance of all brands of KNB.Several series of experiments were conducting to study the possibility of using cubic boron nitride to perform the machining operation of the casting crust of the outer surfaces of parts "Rolled sheet" made of high-alloy white chromium-nickel cast iron brand LPHNMdts-73. The resource of cutting plates from cubic boron nitride of hexanite modification RNGN 190700 S02015 brand was determined. Durability of tools were compared. Tools were operated in different conditions - with different surface hardness of parts and different cutting modes. The casting crust of the outer surfaces of the barrels of high-alloy sheet metal rolls was machined and it was determined that cutting plates made of KNB brand RNGN 190700 S02015 have a significantly greater durability compared to grinding wheels made of white corundum brand 25А 900×80×305 F3 6N 6V 50m/c in all cases.The results of experiments showed that the strength of the plates of the KNB is 80-82.7% greater than the strength of grinding wheels. According to this significant difference machining of casting crust of iron rolls on lathes machine-tools was recommended.In addition, the article proves that the use of blades of machining methods in peeling operations is a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly method than grinding. The article also proposed the optimal cutting modes to ensure the desired properties of the parts surface layer. The following rational modes for the machining operations of casting crust of sheet rolled rolls with a hardness of 81-83 NSD was established: cutting depth t = 3… 4 mm; feed S = 0.4 mm / rev; cutting speed V = 10… 15 m / min.The results of research can be used for further selection of rational conditions for machining of high-alloy white cast iron bars of high hardness in industrial practice.
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