Trends of Orbital segment the National System for providing on Remote Earth Sensing Information to National Security and Defense Structures


  • О.О. Biloborodov The Central Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • А.О. Zhylkov National Space Facilities Control and Test Center, Kyiv
  • О.М. Iliuchok National Space Facilities Control and Test Center, Kyiv



information support system, remote sensing of the Earth, spacecraft, orbital constellation


The experience of modern armed struggle proves that one of the main trends in the modern development of military affairs is the informatization of armed struggle. To ensure the security of the state, it is important to have operational and reliable data from the general information environment, the use of which, after special processing, allows you to make informed decisions at the level of the military-political leadership of the state and the leadership of law enforcement agencies to effectively solve problems in the interests of national security and defense. The current state of the security environment in the world is characterized by a significant (often prevailing) influence of the latest technologies on the balance of military potentials of geopolitical competitors. Democratic countries and their allies, including Ukraine's partners in the North Atlantic Alliance led by the United States, consider advanced scientific and technological development to be a strategic advantage and a guarantee of military-political stability while ensuring their interests. The recent developments of the Russian Federation in the field of hypersonic weapons have led to a deformation of the existing security balance, which clearly confirmed the super-high importance of creating and developing high-tech weapons. In the field of developing high-tech models of weapons and military equipment, intersectoral interstate work under the auspices of the NATO organization for science and technology has shown high efficiency. Under the NATO Science for Peace and Security program, Ukrainian scientists are also involved in promising work on a grant basis. Leading countries include, in particular, space technologies as promising technologies. Despite the high starting national scientific and technological potential in the space industry, there is a long-term trend towards a decrease in the volume of production of space technology and a lag in the field of the most relevant developments, in particular for military purposes. The paper presents the results of the analysis of world experience in the use of commercial spacecraft to fulfill the tasks of ensuring national security in the military sphere. The views of the NATO countries on the development of the orbital segment of the system for providing information for remote sensing of the Earth to national security and defense structures are presented. The results of a study of national experience in the use of commercial spacecraft to fulfill the tasks of ensuring national security in the military sphere are also presented, as well as trends in the development of the orbital segment of the national system for providing information on remote sensing of the Earth for national security and defense structures.


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