The main factors influencing the rational service of enterprises by the main railway transport
railway transport, transmitting train, transport service, freight operations, daily wagon trafficAbstract
The coordinated work of the main and industrial railway transport is a decisive factor in ensuring quality transport services for enterprises. The purpose of the presented work is to study the impact of various factors on the rational maintenance of enterprises by main railway transport to ensure the economic feasibility of using both the wagons of the network-wide fleet and all technical devices of the freight complex.To achieve this goal, the article analyzes the interaction of transport connection stationsand machine-building plants, which allowed among the various factors that most affect the rational transport services of the main production, technical equipment of transport and the amount of idle time of railcars of the network-wide fleet to identify the dominant, which will optimize the operation of the complex. The influence degree of these factors on the quality of transport service of machine-building plants is determined mainly by technical and technological parameters. At the same time, special attention is paid to economic factors, namely: the choice of optimal solutions for the development of a rational way of organizing work at the junction of main and industrial transport, which is to ensure the necessary production effect with minimal material and financial costs, as well as the influence of the dispatching apparatus on the course of the transportation process, the uneven receipt of wagons for cargo operations and the technological process of the main production.Formulas for calculating the optimal size of the transmitting train and establishing the optimal interval of cars supply from the external network to the enterprise are also obtained. The dependences of the change of the optimal interval of wagons supply from the external network on the access track and the composition of the transmitting train on the value of the non-routed daily wagon flow are investigated, which can be used in the development of standards of operation of the connection station and railway transport of machine-building plants on a single technology and the conclusion of contracts for the operation of their access tracks.
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