Examination of the load-bearing structure of a rail car with convex walls during transportation by railway ferry


  • O.V. Fomin State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyiv
  • А.О. Lovska State University of railway transport, Kharkiv




transport mechanics, wagon, load-carrying structure, dynamic load, strength, railroad carriage


The article is devoted to determination of dynamic load-car load-carrying capacity of the upgraded load-car bearing structure when transported by railroad vice. Feature of the load-bearing structure of the wagon is the presence of convex walls, which allows to increase the carcass volume by 8% compared with the prototype. Due to the increase of the car load-carrying capacity the stiffness of the car frame is increased due to installation of reinforcing diaphragms, use of corrugations in the most burdened zones, etc. The load-bearing structure of the car is adapted to the transportation on the railway ferry. For this purpose, nodes for fastening of lancet couplers were installed on vertical plates of the pivot beams. The results of dynamic load-car load-car load-carrying structure determination when the railroad car is carried by the sea are given. For this purpose, a mathematical model, which characterizes the transfer of the railroad sill with the cars, located on its decks, on the moving axis (roll). Hydrometeorological and logistical parameters of the water area of the sailing of the railroad sill were determined on the basis of the updated literature. The mathematical model was developed with the MathCad software package using the Runge-Cutt method. The initial conditions were set equal to zero. The results of these calculations showed that the total value of acceleration, which acts on the car load carrying structure, is 0.24g. The obtained value of the acceleration was taken into account when calculating the strength of the load-bearing structure of the wagon by the method of connected elements in the SolidWorks Simulation program complex. When creating the calculation model, the loads acting on the load-bearing structure of the wagon through the lancet ties were taken into account. The results of the calculations showed that the maximum quantum-component loads occur in the area of the radial tide of the node to fasten the lancet ties but they do not exceed the admissible values. The results of the conducted research will contribute to ensuring the safety of carriage by sea, reducing the cost of their repairs, the environmental friendliness of the railroad carriage, as well as increasing the efficiency of their operation.


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