Examination of the load-bearing state of the car load-bearing structure when the cargo is frozen in it


  • O.V. Fomin State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyiv
  • А.О. Lovska State University of railway transport, Kharkiv
  • S.S. Sova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • A.S. Lytvynenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University




transport mechanics, wagon, load-bearing structure, strength, body load, temperature impact


This article presents the results of the examination of the load-bearing state of the nonversatile wagon load-bearing structure when the cargo is unfrozen in it.In order to determine the temperature influence on the load-bearing structure of the wagon, we carried out calculations by the method of linked elements, which is implemented in the SolidWorks Simulation (CosmosWorks) program complex. For this purpose, a spacious model of the load-bearing structure of the wagon was created in the SolidWorks software package. During the construction of the spacious model of the car load-bearing structure the elements of the structure that tightly interact with each other are taken into account, i.e. the model does not include the cranks of the loading hatches, since they interact with the load-bearing structure in a hinged manner.During the calculations it was taken into account that the car is loaded with stone coal. The material of the load-bearing structure of the wagon is 09G2S steel. When constructing the structural-element model of the wagon load-carrying structure, spacious and exoparametric tetrahedrons were used. The optimum number of connected elements was determined by graphoanalytic method. The results of the calculations showed that the maximum equivalent loads in the load-bearing structure of the wagon are within the permissible limits at the temperature of freezing of the cargo up to 91°C. The maximum equivalent loads in this case are recorded in the area of interaction of the lower shell with the cladding and amount to 343.8 MPa. The maximum displacements in the load-bearing structure of the car are 3.6 mm and occur in the middle part of the frame. The work also includes the results of the identification of the most stressed zones of the load-bearing structure of the wagon when the cargo is frozen in it. In order to ensure the preservation of load-bearing structures of open wagons during freezing of vans in them it is necessary to maintain a safe temperature regime or the introduction of thermal-strength components in their load-bearing structures.The results of the conducted research will contribute to the creation of guidelines for the design of modern designs of freight cars with improved technical and economic indicators.


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