Diagnosis of the development of territorial communities of Ukraine: main stages and features


  • Y.Y. Bilous Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • R.A. Halhash Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University




territorial community, organizational and managerial diagnostics, economic diagnostics, organizational and economic system, territorial community management system


An important success factor of any community is the quality and effectiveness of its development management. At the same time, the development, implementation and implementation of effective organizational and economic support for the development of territorial communities (ТС) requires the development and implementation of appropriate tools for economic and organizational-managerial diagnostics, development of appropriate methods for diagnosing the development of territorial communities.

The purpose of the article is to determine the features and stages of diagnosis of the development of territorial communities of Ukraine for management decisions. To achieve this goal and in connection with the need to diagnose the development of territorial communities as an organizational and economic system, we proposed to diagnose the organizational subsystem, which can be used organizational and managerial diagnostics and economic diagnostics, which can be applied to economic diagnostics. In turn, monitoring is one of the main elements of organizational, managerial and economic diagnostics.

The methodological basis for the analysis of the organizational subsystem is the system approach, which is based on the study of any economic object as a system. The article also analyzes the management system of territorial communities from the standpoint of systems theory and theory of change. Analysis of the fundamental principles of modern management theories, theory of change, systems theory and systems approach, which are devoted to systems analysis of management objects, characteristics of management systems, definition of functional components of management systems, etc.,

Based on the substantiation of the need for monitoring and diagnostics of the relevant organizational and economic subsystems of territorial communities, it is proposed to apply the organizational and economic areas of diagnostics of the development of territorial communities.

The application of the methodology proposed in the article will allow to make absolute and relative diagnosis of the development of the territorial community as an organizational and economic system and will determine the priorities of managerial influence for the development of the territorial community by organizational and economic components.


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