Financial management and analysis profit of engineering enterprises
profit management, engineering services, operational analysis, ABC method, monitoring, profitabilityAbstract
The article is devoted to topical issues of financial management of profits of engineering enterprises. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and applied provisions for the management of profits of engineering enterprises. The research used methods of comparison, systematic and analytical approaches, deduction, dialectical and formal logic. The essence and distinctive features of engineering services, which are intangible, useful effect, production and commercial nature, professionalism and innovation, are identified. The advantage of the proposed methodological support for profitability management is taking into account the specifics of financial activities of such enterprises: a wide range and types of services, differentiation of engineering services depending on the scale and demand for services, different levels of profitability of individual services. It is proved that ABC method and operational analysis are the most acceptable for managing the costs of an engineering enterprise. The sequence of stage-by-stage implementation of the break-even model, which takes into account the peculiarities of the activities of engineering enterprises, is established. For the purpose of operational management, the introduction of monitoring "costs - income - profit" and formed a system of analytical indicators to assess trends in past and current levels of profitability, as well as forecast changes in profits depending on income and expenses based on a scenario approach. Recommendations for optimizing the income of an engineering company based on the pricing mechanism, which takes into account factors related to engineering (time, innovation, scale of the potential customer, the number of people with new knowledge) and the choice of pricing method. The criteria for choosing the tools of strategic profit management of an engineering enterprise are substantiated, the model of economic added value is chosen as a priority. The development of theoretical and applied provisions for the management of profits of engineering enterprises has a practical orientation, the results can be used for the development of engineering enterprises.
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