Human capital of agrosector of domestic economy: problems of reproduction in aspect of food security


  • О.А. Ovechkina Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • O.V. Maslosh Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • А.О. Zhuravlova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



human capital and its elements, agricultural sector, food security, innovative work, innovation-human capital, innovation


The basic and derivative elements of human capital, features of their formation in the agricultural sector of the domestic economy are investigated in the article. The analysis of scientific literature on the definition of the concept of "human capital" and its connection with other categories. The role of human capital of the agricultural sector of the economy in ensuring food security of the country is described. The institutional and economic structures of human capital are considered. Features of reproduction of human capital at individual (personal), cooperative (microeconomic) and national (macroeconomic) levels are described. The state of basic elements of human capital of agrosphere of domestic economy is analyzed. 

Identified problems, the non-binding of which prevents the effective use of human capital, especially, the individual level of its organization. Such problems include: seasonality of production, a slow increase in the level of mechanization of agricultural labor, an increase in the number of unemployed youth in the village, migrating to the city, aging rural population with an undisputed level of education. It is shown that for the reproduction of human capital, it is necessary to create an innovative base for the formation of education, health, and life capital. It has been proven that the innovative base of human capital use should be based on attractive innovative labor. There are signs of attractive work, which include: high wages, technical labor, the presence of financial and information opportunities for workers to be involved in innovative programs and projects.

It is shown that increasing the level of human capital of the economically active population of the village, especially the youth, is an important factor in increasing the food security of the country. It is determined that the management of enterprises and state authorities should create conditions for innovative work of agricultural youth, which will help to solve the social problem of stopping the outflow of youth from the village; economic problem of increasing innovation activity of agribusiness enterprises; food problems of increasing the volume and nomenclature of agricultural products.


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