Digital-transformation of business in the context of a pandemic
digital transformation, business, pandemic, digitalization factors, efficiencyAbstract
Modern conditions of enterprises are characterized by unpredictability, economic instability, dynamism. This is caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses need to adapt to modern realities in order to remain viable during and after the crisis. Successful decisions of some global companies have identified digitalization as a key trend today. Thus, the study of the impact of business digitalization on the formation of competitive advantages in the activities of enterprises in modern conditions becomes extremely relevant.The article examines the trends and prospects for the development of digital business transformation in the world and in Ukraine. It was found that in 2020, the digital transformation, on the one hand, has become a challenge for the top management of many enterprises, on the other hand, has been a major factor in economic growth.In the world in 2020, the costs of digital transformation of business practices, products and management organizations continued to grow rapidly. The United States remains the largest geographic market for digitalization spending. In second place - China, in third place - Western Europe.An expert study of the performance of private and public sectors of the economy shows a moderate level of overall digital transformation in Ukraine. In particular, the highest rating is given to the general level of digitalization of companies, investment in the development of digital technologies. The lowest values are: the general level of development of digital infrastructure and digital inclusion.It is determined that, in a pandemic, increasing the efficiency of digitalization of business processes is achieved through reengineering.The article considers the modern model of enterprise management and business transformation strategies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conditions of their realization for increase of competitiveness of the enterprises are defined. Assessing the impact of the digital transformation on the labor market shows rising unemployment and falling wages. However, this has accelerated the transformation of the labor market, increased demand for innovations related to digitalization and computerization of jobs. The factors that hinder the development of digital trends in Ukraine and the transformation of the Ukrainian economy into a digital one are systematized. The main positive effects of modern intensification of business digitalization are determined.
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