Evaluation of territorial community development as a basis for adoption of management decisions by public authorities
methodology, evaluation, development, territorial community, management, management decisions, public authoritiesAbstract
In order to make effective management decisions on the development of territorial communities (ТС), public authorities need to conduct comprehensive monitoring, diagnosis and evaluation of the development of territorial communities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main methods of assessing the development of territorial communities in the regions of Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the whole set of approaches to assessing the state and development of territorial communities in Ukraine from a methodological point of view was divided into approaches proposed by public authorities, international organizations and scientists. The article analyzes the methods of assessing the formation, ability and development of territorial communities both independently by central authorities and with the help of international organizations. It is noted that these methods give the governing bodies in local communities more opportunities to determine their competitive positions. It is concluded that the methods used by public authorities (developed by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine) to assess the state and development of communities and regions are more focused on assessing and comparative analysis of TС capacity. At the same time, methodologies developed by international experts and scholars can be used to evaluate territorial community management systems. The analysis of the existing methodological approaches made it possible to single out alternative approaches to assessing the development of territorial communities. Among the main problems of assessing the development of local communities is the lack of statistical base at the local level, which significantly complicates the collection and analysis of information, in particular to assess competitive advantages in the context of local community development for effective management decisions by public authorities. The authors note that the issue of using effective tools of economic and organizational-managerial diagnostics today still remains unresolved. It is proposed to take into account the principles of inclusiveness in determining indicators of development of territorial communities, which will allow reorienting economic policy priorities to more effectively combat insecurity and inequality, shift the emphasis on human development and increase welfare in the community.
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