Formation of personality competitiveness: from schoolchild to student


  • O.G. Zyma Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • V.A. Budyanska Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • V.V. Kosharna Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • V.O. Turpetko Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • V.O. Vasilashko Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



School, university, competitiveness, education, personality, professional development


The article reveals the need and timeliness of the ormation of the competitiveness of the future specialist in the modern conditions of modernization of the educational system.

The nature of modern problems, causes and possible consequences in the development of mankind make us think about the driving forces and prospects that await us in the future, to jointly maintain a balance between: 1) social, economic and natural environment; 2) material and spiritual values, which are prerequisites for sustainable development of society and culture. Only such a society has a future that thinks not only about instant benefits, but also about what it wants and can leave to future generations. Nowadays, it has been repeatedly suggested that it is not we who preserve and leave something for future generations, but future generations who have lent us their vital resources for temporary use. We must take this into account. If we live only today, only for one day, and fail to pay our debt to the humanity of the future, then our existence is already in danger. The world is arranged in such a way that causal patterns can be considered in everything and everywhere.

The founder of the Club of Rome, Italian scientist, well-known businessman A. Pezzi expressed a very important idea - to manage a global economy, a person must first learn to manage himself, must understand and master the mechanism of self-regulation. A. Pezzi emphasized another important idea that a person, faced with the dilemma of choice, must change as a person, as a professional, as an individual in society, as a citizen of the universe or must disappear from the Earth's surface.

Research confirms that over the past 10 years, as a result of paradigm shifts in science and education, the paradigm of individual competitiveness in the social sciences and humanities has also changed.

Studies on the understanding of competitiveness in secondary education have shown inequality of intellectual and moral development, which allowed to choose the direction of the vector of further development. The analysis of the internal structure of the free economic zone allowed to reveal the essence and give a brief description of the content of the studied phenomenon. As structural components of competitiveness of the student of university, as: motivational, emotionally-volitional, information-content and operational-practical are allocated. The relationship, the interdependence of the substantive components of competitiveness characterizes the systemic, holistic nature of the phenomenon under study.


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