Evolution in manager's workplace automation: prospective areas of outsourcing
automation of the manager's workplace, outsourcing, means of automation of work of managers, automation of performance of functionsAbstract
Workplace automation (WA) of the manager was and is a well-known means of improving the efficiency of the business entity, so it was carried out in each organization to the extent of financial capabilities. Features of evolution of means of automation of work of managers and perspective directions and possibilities of outsourcing in these processes are specified. The purpose of the work is to clarify the features of the evolution of automation tools for managers and promising areas and opportunities for outsourcing in these processes. It is determined that the evolution of appropriate automation tools due to technological progress opens up new management opportunities. Such significant evolutionary steps lead to a change in the concept of the manager's workplace, which involves increasing the use of the concept: "process automation" or "automation of functions" instead of "workplace automation", and the manager's workplace becomes conditional and loses stationarity Features and steps (levels) of evolution of means of automation of performance of functions of managers and deepening of differentiation of cost of these means are specified, that causes possibilities of use of outsourcing of the most expensive and innovative of them. Outsourcing of artificial intelligence is defined as a promising innovative direction of improving the automation of managerial functions. The increasing level of complexity of the elements of automation of managers deepens the reasons and increases the opportunities for appropriate outsourcing. Significant evolutionary steps have taken place in the automation of the manager's work and the formation of his workstation, which cause a change in the concept of the manager's workplace and provide opportunities for outsourcing of individual elements of automation. Features and steps (levels) of evolution of means of automation of functions of managers and deepening of differentiation of cost of these means that causes possibilities of use of outsourcing of the most expensive and innovative of them are specified. The loss of relevance of the stationary workplace of the manager is determined, but at the same time the need for stability of the location of the web portal of the organization, ie its hosting.
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