Development of communication management in the context of informatization of society
information society, information, communication, communication managementAbstract
The article reveals the features of communication management in modern conditions.
The development of communication technologies is a relevant characteristic of information society. New concepts are being formed and developed, such as communication management in crisis situations, reputation management, brand management, news management, communication support for lobbying activities, communicative competence, communication audit, communication security, neutralization of manipulative technologies, communication management and conflict management, software management. using non-verbal and paraverbal communications, information wars.
The most important part of communication management is the technology of dissemination, adaptation, use of knowledge, which are closely related to emotions, principles, intuition, mental processes. Communication technologies help not only to build relationships with the external environment of an organization, but also to form a culture of personnel management, which provides participation in decision-making, cooperation, job satisfaction and an appropriate system of motivation.
The company's communication activities are designed to create effective methods of forming a positive perception of the target audience about the mission, values, visions, strategies and actions of the company, as well as about goods and services.
The author analyzed the definitions of the subject of communication management, concluded that there is no unified scientific and methodological approach to disclose the content of the concept of communication management. Attention is drawn to the fact that the essence of communication management has a dual nature: communication management is considered as an independent applied professional activity for the practical use of communication means, methods, tools, mechanisms that ensure the formation and effective development of all types of capital of the organization. On the other hand, communication management is a science that studies the section of management on the interaction and interrelation of elements in time and space, which form and effectively use all types of capital of an organization, based on the laws of information exchange for the purpose of developing an organization.
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