Digital marketing as a direction for improvement communication interactions with consumers
digital marketing, Internet marketing, digital communications, websites, social networks, Internet, offline environmentAbstract
The work is devoted to the study of the specifics of the modern digital environment. The necessity of an integrated approach to the development of marketing actions for promotion in the Internet space is considered. It has been proven that online cannot and should not completely erase offline communications, because the boundary between offline and online is gradually disappearing - there is a merger of these communications in all spheres of life. Particular attention is paid to identifying differences in the use of marketing tools in offline and online environments. Based on the analysis of digital technologies, a conclusion is made about the benefits of digital marketing.
Online will not be able to completely outscape Offline Communications, as it is not possible to change the manifestations of culture in various spheres of human activity. At present, the boundary between offline and online is gradually disappearing - there is a merger of these communications in all spheres of life. And in order for the impact of marketers to not weaken, it is not enough to use online or offline, so they need to be integrated in order to attract even more potential consumers.
Despite the fact that on the Internet there is a high growth of addressing opportunities to potential consumers, we do not have the opportunity to assert that there is a need to refuse marketing communications in off-line and develop marketing actions to promote only online marketing. Observation that has been conducted during the study showed that watching television channels is reduced and ceases to be considered as a traditional marketing communication channel. More and more people replace the classic television on Smart TV which is becoming ordinary. Also interesting video videos are looking from a smartphone in any place - at work, at home, in urban transport or outside. On the Internet - space are looking for news and pages of well-known editions. Recently, social networks began to be used to promote goods or services. Specialists in advancement began to conduct community companies, launch different types, etc. This approach will allow integrating the software involved: CRM, web and mobile analytics services, POS data. This will provide you with better access to customer information, as well as increase awareness of the actions taken by customers at each stage of the interaction.
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