Improving energy efficiency in residential buildings


  • I.V. Melkonova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • J.A. Romanchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



energy resources, housing construction, energy-efficient residential building


Today, the task of increasing energy efficiency is one of the most important for all industries and human life. Construction is one of the leading industries in the modern world. The problem of creating and operating a modern building is that in most cases, when designing it, the factor of energy saving is not taken into account at all or is taken into account with insufficient degree. Designing energy efficient buildings is a complex and complex work of many specialists, whose work is based on the principles of maximizing energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and economic efficiency of a building. In a mid-rise building, in an apartment building, it seems all the more possible to provide such criteria than in a low-rise building. Considering that apartment owners as a community jointly manage the house, a more rational and beneficial use of energy, water and so on is possible for everyone. Therefore, the article discusses the main aspects, and the experience of European countries, on the energy efficiency of residential buildings.The paper shows that the energy efficiency of a residential building is ensured through the implementation of the following measures: reliable thermal insulation, using enclosing structures of high thermal insulation characteristics, "warm" windows; the use of a ventilation system with heat recovery from ventilation emissions, the use of secondary and renewable sources of thermal energy for heating and hot water supply, such as solar collectors or heat pumps, the use of internal sources of heat and energy of a residential building. Additional savings in thermal energy occurs due to the use of an automated control system for all technical devices in the building.The direction of solving the problem is proposed - this is the construction of residential buildings with energy efficientdesign, but without expensive energy-saving engineering equipment, but with the stipulatedproject the possibility of its installation at any time. Windows are provided with three-chamber double-glazed windows filled with inert gas and a special low-emission glass coating that preservesindoors, more than 50% of the solar energy falling on the glass. In the course of operation, if the owner wishes, it is possible to connect energy efficient systems to such a residential building when his financial condition improves or when cheaper analogs of engineering equipment appear on the market. Such residential buildings have average price characteristics or slightly above average. And in case of mass construction, the cost of 1 m2will decline.


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