Method of design calculationfor automatic electrohydraulic drive of rotary motion and volume regulation


  • О.L. Golubenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • О.V. Romanchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • V.І. Sokolov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • О.G. Stepanova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



mechanical engineering, railway transport, engineering method, electrohydraulic drive, volume regulation, automatic control system, transfer function, dynamic characteristics


The article is devoted to the development of automatic electrohydraulic drives fortechnological equipment. The engineering method of design calculation forautomatic electrohydraulic drive of rotary motion and volume regulation ispresented. The engineering method of design calculation allows to evaluate themain parameters and choice drive elements and devices using the maximum loadmoment and hydraulic motor rotation velocity, predict its static and dynamiccharacteristics. The following parameters are accepted as input data for calculationof the hydraulic drive with rotational motion: M max – maximum load moment; n max –maximum rotation frequency; J – reduced inertia moment the rotor. Volumetrichydraulic drive with adjustable pump and unregulated hydraulic motor is the mostcommon. Hydraulic drives with this structure are used in many types of equipmentand provide smooth start-up and stepless regulation for the working body speed ofequipment with a single control element. The working fluid is selected based onthe technical requirements for equipment or recommendations from the technicaldata of the main hydraulic equipment - pump and hydraulic motor, as well astaking into account the mode of operation of electrohydraulic drive processequipment, climatic and temperature conditions. The automatic control system byelectrohydraulic drive is proposed, that taking into account observation noise andstochastic perturbation of the control object. The example of design calculation forthe parameters of automatic electrohydraulic drive for technological equipment forthe following input data has been performed: maximum load moment Mmax =120 N maximum rotation frequency nmax =2100 rpm; reduced inertia moment of therotating parts J=0,8 kg·m2. The possibility of using serially produced axial pistonregulated pump with inclined disk and unregulated hydraulic motor with an inclined washer is shown. Based on the passport data of hydraulic machines, theparameters of the mathematical model for the drive as object of automatic controlare determined. The research of the system dynamic characteristics is carried out.


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