Research of speed box layouts of metal-cutting machines by parametric modeling method
spatial layout, main motion drive, lathe, parametric model, optimization criterionAbstract
Procedures for construction and modeling of transverse configurations of multi-operational screw-cutting lathe using parametric modeling methods are considered. It is proposed to consider the problem of the spatial layout synthesis for the drive of the main movement of the lathe (gearbox) as a two-criterion optimization problem. There are two main criteria for the effectiveness of the constructing task for transverse layout: 1) maximizing the stiffness of the output shaft of the gearbox and the machine spindle; 2) minimize the induced load on the front spindle support. A study of the optimization criteria influence on design decisions in the development of layout solutions in the working space of the machine. Algorithms and programs of parametric representation of multistage gearboxes in the integrated system of automated design “WinMachine”environment are developed. The efficiency of application of parameterization syntax in problems of geometric analysis and synthesis of spatial position of shafts and gears for metal-cutting equipment gearboxes is shown. The efficiency of using the APM Graph module interface in case of non-normative situations related to violation of the minimum allowable distance of the gears outer surface with the side wall of the housing and the bottom of the gearbox housing is shown. The peculiarity of the application of parameterization tools related to the use of a specialized design database of the environment WinMachine automated design system is considered. The estimation of the difference between the factory variant and the obtained variant according to the criterion of optimal rigidity is given. For this purpose, the APM Shaft calculation module was used and the maximum deflection boom of the front end of the spindle was calculated in the two above-mentioned variants. The efficiency of application of the database section, which functions both with traditional graphic primitives and with structural elements in the parametric representation, is noted. The solution of the two-criterion problem of designing a lathe gearbox according to the criteria of maximum rigidity and minimum load on the front shaft support is proposed.
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