Modeling of the structure of a four-support shaft by the stiffness criterion
multi-shaft, metal-cutting machine, 3D model, finite element method, stress diagram, displacement plotsAbstract
The means and tools of designing and modeling of multi-support shafts with the use of solid-state modeling and the finite element method in choosing the optimal design of the shaft and its supports are presented. A transverse layout of the drive has been developed, which will determine the nature of the load and the design scheme of the shaft. This shaft is considered as a rod structure on four hinged supports in which the main problem of performance is insufficient rigidity and high stress levels in certain sections. The procedure of development of elastic-deformation model as a set of two independent tasks is considered: statics of a shaft as a rod on elastic supports (calculation of an elastic line of a shaft) and the corresponding characteristics of bearings. The procedure of a three-dimensional model construction on a four-support shaft design for a multi-operation drilling-milling-boring machine in the integrated WinMachine CAD workstation is proposed. Interconnected solid-state modeling modules "ARM Studio" and "ARM Structure3D" were used, as well as a specialized module for designing shafts "ARM Shaft", which are included in the APM WinMachine CAD environment. A specialized parametric core with a very user-friendly interface is used, which provides a sharp increase in the productivity of the designer in the process of modeling machine tool shafts. The calculation of bearing 4-309 was performed using the module "ARM Bear", which is based on a set of verification calculations of non-ideal bearings, including the determination of displacements and force distribution diagrams taking into account statistical dispersion. The multivariate calculation of the elastic-deformation state using the finite element method in the environment of the integrated system of automated design APM WinMachine is considered. The analysis of displacements and angles of rotation in different sections of the shaft on rigid hinged supports and determined that their values are within acceptable limits, which confirms the efficiency of the four-support shaft structure. The maximum stresses that occur in the slotted surface are determined using the "Cross-sectional stress" option. It is shown how the elastic-deformation characteristics change during the transition from rigid to elastic- deformation hinged supports.
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