Honeycomb electric drive adaptive control system
honey extractor, moment of inertia, driver, sensor, electric drive, PWM, PID controller, honeycombAbstract
Beekeeping in Ukraine is being developed. The export of honey is increasing. The greater part of honey is produced by small and medium sized apiaries. They are hard to mechanize. They continue using the manual honey extractors and manual electric actuator. The popular one is the "ABB-100" company management system. But it has a lot of drawbacks. The relays have a low resource. The amount of programs is limited. There are no control systems. The task of the manual electric extractor control. Honey must be extracted from the honeycomb. The honeycomb must not be damaged. Time should be minimal. The rotation speed must be gradually increased. The direction of rotation changes. At the same time, excessive rotation speed causes the destruction of the frames, and insufficient duration leads to incomplete pumping of honey. Therefore, the pumping speed control system during the process is of interest. You can implement such a system on the popular Arduino platform if you install a carousel rotation speed sensor. Several existing control systems for the electric drive of the honey extractor are considered. It is shown that none of them has feedback. The design of the honey extractor is considered. A differential equation in the motion of a DC collector motor is provided. An expression is presented that relates the moment of inertia of the honey extractor rotor and the mass of honey in the combs. A method for monitoring the pumping process using a feedback sensor is proposed. An expression is given for calculating the moment of inertia. Comparing it with the measured one will give an error signal to the control system. In addition, the measurement of the moment of inertia allows you to determine the initial amount of honey in the frame and choose the optimal moments of the carousel reverse. The use of an adaptive control algorithm will allow you to adjust the duration of the horizontal sections on the graph and determine the optimal moments of reversing the honey extractor rotor for each batch of honeycomb.A method for determining the current pumping speed is proposed, which allows to increase the efficiency of honey extraction control and reduce the processing time of honeycomb frames without loss of quality.
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