Research of the process of forming surface of parts during vibrating processing
vibrating processing, performance properties, surface roughness, reference length of the profile, radius of rounding of irregularitiesAbstract
The research of vibrating processing in machine-tools with U-shaped container and its influence on the forming of parts surface layer were held and its results are presented in the article. It was considered the parameters of surface roughness and their effect on the quality of the surface layer of machine parts. The most important performance properties of machine parts (wear resistance, contact stiffness, joint density and landing strength) largely depend on their contact interaction (contact characteristics, convergence, actual contact area and dynamic characteristics of surface joints. To solve the problem of ensuring the required performance properties, it is necessary to know the dependencies that link the quality characteristics of the surfaces being treated with the processing conditions, and the dependencies should reflect the impact of technological heredity.The aim of the experimental researchers was to establish the relationship between the modes and time of vibrating processing and the process of forming the surface layer of machine parts. During the experimental researchers we compared the parameters of surface roughness of samples of steels 20, 40X and U8 after different processing methods, namely: after roughing, finishing and after vibrating processing. An improvement of the qualitative parameters of surface roughness after the application of vibrating processing was shown as the result of experimental researches. The reference surface area and the bearing capacity of the profile of samples were increased.Such changes have a positive effect on the contact interaction, increase the adsorption capacity, which is important in the preparation of surfaces for protective coatings and the overall improvement of the performance of machine parts. As a result of the application of vibrating processing there were a significant increase in the average radius of curvature by an average of 18.3 times, an increase in the average step of irregularities by an average of 2.24 times, an increase in the reference length of the profile by an average of 2.6 times and increase wear resistance to 15 ... 20 %.
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