Classification of machine parts taking into account the quality of their surface layer


  • Y.O. Kharlamov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • О.V. Romanchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • A.V. Mitsyk Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



classification, coding, surface layer quality parameters, surface, typing, unification, performance properties


Reducing the labor input and terms of product design and manufacturing engineering process planning is an urgent task of mechanical engineering. Its solution is provided by complex automation of design processes, as well as by using the principles of unification and typification. It is possible to quickly and reasonably borrow design solutions only using classification systems that allow describing production objects with an anonymous code (regardless of their functional purpose). Existing approaches to assessing the role of surfaces in the classification of machine parts in existing systems for automation of manufacturing engineering process planning are considered. In the well-known approaches to the technological classification of machine parts, their surfaces are considered from a geometric point of view and the quality parameters of the surface layer are not taken into account, with the exception of surface roughness. For highly loaded critical surfaces of parts, it is advisable to use information models of surfaces that can be characterized and, accordingly, described by a set (set) of features. The necessity of standardization of technologically controlled and metrologically secured parameters of surface layers, which have a major impact on the performance properties of machine parts, is shown. Operating abilities of machine parts, which determine their reliability, depends on the system of quality parameters of their working surfaces: macro deviations; waviness; roughness; subroughness; physical and chemical properties. Systematized information about the nature of the influence on the operational properties of machine parts and their connections of the main parameters of surface layer quality. A technique is proposed for coding of surfaces according to their functional purpose or operational properties with two digits, and for multifunctional surfaces by a complex of such digits. According to the functional purpose and the required operational properties, the selection and verification of the purpose of design and technological features and state parameters of the surface layer is carried out. Techniques have been developed for coding the type of surface layer (SL), LS material by chemical composition, and SL quality parameters.


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