Comparative analysis of high voltage switches of different types


  • J.A. Romanchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University



high-voltage circuit breaker, mechanical strength, electrical strength, arc extinguishing medium, vacuum, sulfur hexafluoride


The article presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics of air, oil, vacuum and sulfur hexafluoride high-voltage circuit breakers used on electrical substations. These high-voltage circuit breakers have rather complex structure controlled by electromagnetic, spring, hydraulic or pneumatic drives and they are divided into several types depending on the environment in which the arc is extinguished.The literature analysis has shown that air circuit breakers, as the least efficient, large in size and expensive to maintain, are practically not used at present, all old air circuit breakers are gradually being replaced by more efficient and reliable circuit breakers. Therefore, the article analyzes the characteristics of oil, vacuum and sulfur hexafluoride high-voltage circuit breakers. The advantages and disadvantages of work in various conditions of high-voltage circuit breakers are considered.The most important characteristics of high-voltage circuit breakers such as mechanical strength, electrical strength of the arc extinguishing medium, switching life of the circuit breaker – the number of cycles of the circuit breaker, the mass of the circuit breaker are compared. It is shown that an important issue is the operation of high-voltage circuit breakers, their maintenance - carrying out periodic capital and current repairs, as well as unscheduled (emergency) repairs. The issues of the impact of electrical equipment on the environment are considered. To protect the environment, it is necessary to minimize the amount of harmful substances released into the environment.A comparative analysis of high-voltage circuit breakers showed that the most efficient, high-quality, and reliable are sulfur hexafluoride and vacuum high-voltage circuit breakers. Leading manufacturers of switching devices of this type every year improve their products more and more, making them more reliable and efficient. Therefore, at present, oil circuit breakers are practically not produced.During the construction of new facilities and the technical re-equipment of old ones, only sulfur hexafluoride and vacuum high-voltage circuit breakers are preferred. Only such circuit breakers are able to provide high reliability of power supply to consumers and fully ensure their performance, fully complying with the standards of service safety, fire and environmental safety.


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