Knowledge representation in intelligent automation systems for control of power systems of the mining and metallurgical complex under uncertainty


  • V.S. Morkun Kryvyi Rih National University
  • І.А. Kotov Kryvyi Rih National University
  • O.Y. Serdiuk Kryvyi Rih National University
  • І.А. Haponenko Kryvyi Rih National University
  • І.А. Haponenko Kryvyi Rih National University



grammar, linguistic variable, ontology, power system, meta-rule, fuzzification


The article considers the problem of taking into account the uncertainty of information for the construction of knowledge bases in decision support systems for operational management of power systems. It is substantiated that the formulation of control logic is carried out mainly at the level of qualitative ideas and concepts. The latter can be formalized in the form of logical-linguistic models, which should be considered in terms of the theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic variables. An analysis of existing approaches to the presentation and processing of fuzzy knowledge about the management of power systems of the mining and metallurgical complex. The approach to the representation of the incorporation of various forms of representation of professional ontologies on the basis of fuzzy logic is substantiated. The main concepts and formal linguistic models of fuzzification of the representation of the evolution of the incorporation of ontologies of all levels in the context of semantic concept uncertainty have been developed. All the obtained formal linguistic models of concept fuzziness correspond to the structures of forms of knowledge representation. A formal linguistic model has been developed for accounting for the fuzzy meta-rules as modules for fuzzy management of the knowledge base based on the fuzzy neuron model. Fuzzification principles are implemented when performing operations on knowledge base concepts. Models of ontologies of all levels of the knowledge base have been developed, taking into account the fuzzy representation of the semantics of concepts.Research methods include the use of fuzzy logic, formal languages, artificial intelligence systems theory and decision support systems. The software complex of the decision support system for automation of dispatch operational management of normal and emergency modes of the power system of the mining and metallurgical complex is implemented. The scheme of introduction of the decision support system in the environment of the operating automated system of dispatching management of power systems is offered.Possible points of implementation of the decision support system in the data transmission paths of the complex of the automated dispatch control system have been determined. The points of introduction of the core of the software complex into the environment of the power system control system are the block of automated workstations, the block of the technological data exchange network, the block of data collection and telecontrol.A new structure of the core of the decision support system has been developed.


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