Ways to improve traction and dynamic performance of a locomotive


  • M.V. Kovtanets Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • S.V. Kuzmenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • V.S. Nozhenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • O.V. Sergienko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • A.О. Klimash Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • Т.М. Kovtanets Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity




railway transport, traction qualities, speaker, spring suspension, springs, supports, static deflection


The article analyzes that among the factors that determine the conditions of interaction of the "wheel-rail" system, both the design features of locomotive carts and the conditions of train movement (longitudinal and transverse forces) are taken into account. The running qualities of the locomotive in the vertical plane are determined mainly by the magnitude of the static deflection and the degree of damping of the spring suspension, and the existing locomotives of the Ukrainian Railways are dominated by spring suspension with a relatively low static deflection. Therefore, to ensure the necessary dynamic performance when moving the locomotive at high speeds, it is recommended to reduce the stiffness of the spring suspension, especially in the axle stage. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis and research of spring suspension of locomotives, technical solutions for the creation of spring suspension of high-speed rolling stock are proposed and several options for the design of such spring suspension are proposed. One of the promising options for improving the spring suspension is the elongation of the axle springs installed in the holes of the lower and upper surfaces of the trolley frame, which rest on top of the support surfaces of the glasses mounted on the upper surface of the trolley frame and below on the axle boxes. Another variant of the axle spring suspension is proposed in which the axle springs at the bottom and top of the trolley frame are connected through cylindrical guides. The paper also considers the improvement of the second stage of the spring suspension of the locomotive by lengthening the combined side supports in the vertical plane, which will reduce the stiffness and thus increase the static deflection of the spring suspension of the locomotive, and at the same time increase the lateral rigidity of the support through the use of a lateral displacement limiter in it, which blocks the operation of several rubber-metal elements in shear. When applying the proposed technical solutions for the design of advanced spring suspension, the joint work of the first and second stages of spring suspension allows to increase the static deflection by 6.25 times, which will create a high-speed rolling stock.


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