Contact of a wheel comb with a lateral surface of a rail and resistance of movement at realization of a traction moment by a locomotive wheel


  • І.О. Kyrychenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • O.L. Kashyra Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



rail transport, wear, ridge, interaction, traction force, sliding amount


The article is devoted to the topical issue of the efficiency of rail transport, which is determined by the technical improvement of traction means - locomotives, motor cars. When studying the coupling properties of locomotives on the rail track, the danger of inadequacy of the conditions of experience and ordinary operation is almost completely eliminated. But the disadvantages of such experiments are the significant cost of money, time and, most importantly, the difficulty of allocating to study the influence of any one factor.

In the theory of rolling friction, the main characteristic is the relationship between the force of adhesion friction and the magnitude of the relative sliding speed of the contact surfaces.

Long-term operation of rolling stock shows that the service life of wheelsets is determined by rolling and, to a greater extent, wear of the ridges. This is evidenced by numerous publications on supra-regulatory wear of the ridges of the wheelsets and the side surface of the rail head. Long-term operation of rolling stock shows that the service life of wheelsets is determined by the hire and, to a greater extent, the wear of the ridges. This is evidenced by numerous publications on over-normative wear of the ridges of the wheelsets and the side surface of the rail head. In particular, the problematic aspects are considered in the works of Golubenko O.L., Barteneva L.I., Nikitina V.E. etc.

In order to reduce the intensity of wear of wheel couples and rails to acceptable values, a number of technical and organizational-technological measures have been carried out in recent years. For example, lubrication, improvement of the structure of the track and rolling stock, improvement of the geometry of the profile of the surface of rolling wheels and rails, monitoring in the wheel-rail system, etc.

Rail transport plays a key role in meeting the transport needs of the population and enterprises. Up to 70% of all traffic is carried out by rail. The level of socio-economic condition of society depends on the quality and safety of railway transport. The problem of interaction between rolling stock and railway is one of the most important in the transport industry. Despite some progress in the study of physical processes in contact of the wheel with the rail, this problem has not been fully explored.


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