Research of transport logistics transformation in Ukraine in the conditions of industry 4.0


  • S.О. Kliuiev Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • B.V. Yurov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



transport logistics, Industry 4.0, supply chain logistics, cloud services, logistics levels


The article considers the main elements of the future modernization of transport logistics: smart rolling stock, unmanned vehicles, distributed registers, 3D printing technologies and the Internet of Things. An overview of Industry 4.0, its characteristics and expectations from its implementation is given. The changes that can occur with the main components of logistics in Industry 4.0 are studied: material flow, logistics operation, logistics function, logistics supply chain, logistics network, logistics system. It is shown that in Industry 4.0 in the logistics supply chain the number of possible directions of material flow will decrease, and products will be sent to the buyer immediately after its manufacture.

Industry 4.0 (or the Fourth Industrial Revolution) is gaining ground in developed countries. It is already necessary to plan the business processes of both the individual company and its partners, as well as their relationships, taking into account the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Ukraine. Transport logistics is undergoing the most significant changes. This article identifies the changes that will occur with the components of transport logistics: logistics supply chain, logistics system, logistics network, logistics operation, logistics function, material flow. The logistic supply chain of goods in Industry 4.0 and under current conditions is given. The division of companies providing logistics services into operators of different levels of logistics has been performed. The use of 3D printers will reduce the cost of finished products, but the question of utility for the economy as a whole has not been studied.

The application of new technologies has a significant impact on the transport and logistics industry in several factors. Which reduces costs and delivery time. Also, it allows you to focus on solving strategic problems in the functioning and development of enterprises, to identify additional competitive opportunities and reserves to increase profitability.

In addition, the expansion of the use of GS1 bar coding and RFID identification systems in the field of freight forwarding services, as well as the inclusion of transport in the global logistics system through the use of geographic information systems and global positioning systems (in particular, GPS and GLONASS).


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