Research of malfunctions of special rolling stock in operation


  • О.О. Koshel State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyiv
  • S.Yu. Sapronova State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kiev



defect, failures, operation, special rolling stock


The article presents a study of malfunctions of special rolling stock in operation. The analysis of the fleet of special rolling stock was carried out and it was established that the wear of hopperdoser wagons dispensers is 98.00%, and dumping wagons (dumpers) 100.00%. The analysis of the given data testifies to physical and moral wear of fleet of cars of special rolling stock.The main groups of malfunctions of special rolling stock cars have been identified, which in most cases can be eliminated during maintenance (MOT, MOT-1 or MOT-2). Faults of freight wagons are divided into the following groups: 1 - failure of the wheel pair; 2 - malfunction of the cart; 3 - malfunction of autocoupling equipment; 4 - malfunction of self-braking equipment; 5 - malfunction of the freight wagon body; 6 - malfunction of the freight wagon frame; 8 - malfunction of the freight wagon body, which leads to the exclusion of the freight wagon from the inventory; 9 - service codes not related to the technical condition of the freight wagon.The analysis of malfunctions of special rolling stock according to the codes of groups according to the information certificate of GIOS UZ for the period from 02.03.2021 to 30.04.2021 (60 days) and according to the results of technical diagnostics for the period from 2018 to 2020 is carried out. In order to determine the age range of malfunctions in special rolling stock, it was divided into 3 age groups: 1 - service life assigned by the manufacturing plant, 2 - after the end of the service life of the manufacturing plant to one and a half service life, 3 - more than one and a half service life. The largest number of faults occurs in the load-bearing structures (frame and body of the car), wheelsets. This situation indicates the need to develop modernization projects for load-bearing structures that have already exhausted their intended service life, because the current repair documentation does not provide for the elimination of such defects.The conducted researches will promote the prevention of premature failure of elements of a special rolling stock in operation.Appropriate precautions must be taken for the replacement parts of special rolling stock to prevent their failure.The obtained results allowed to identify problem units of special rolling stock in the development of measures to improve reliability (improvement of structures at the design stage, improving the quality of maintenance and repair, the introduction of modern control methods).


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