Іnformation uncertainty of the calibrated measurements instriments


  • G.I. Manko Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • E.V. Titova Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • V.I. Kravets Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • А.А. Ibrokhimova Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology




calibration, concept of uncertainty, distribution law, measurement, information uncertainty


The Uncertainty Approach has become a standard in metrology. Ukrainian and international regulatory documents prescribe the application of the uncertainty assessment procedure during the calibration of measuring instruments. This paper discusses the problems of using of the Uncertainty Approach during calibration. There is noted that in a number of research works the weaknesses of the recommended approaches to uncertainty assessment are shown, and the use of alternative methods of its estimation is recommended.

At the same time, the concept of uncertainty is directly related to methods of the information amount estimation. Therefore, it is advisable to use information uncertainty when calibrating of measuring instruments.

It is shown that there is a conflict between the desire of the authors of normative documents to follow fashionable trends in metrology and the prose of life, which consists in the need to solve real practical problems of assessing of the calibrated instruments suitability. To resolve this conflict, it is proposed to use information criteria, which are based on the concept of Bongard's useful information. The quality of a measuring instrument can be characterized by the Bongard uncertainty, which estimates the difference between the probability distribution of the measured quantity and the probability distribution of the measurement results. If these distributions coincided, the uncertainty about the values of the measured quantity could be estimated by the Shannon informational entropy. Due to the imperfection of the measuring instrument, disinformation is introduced (negative useful information of Bongard), which is estimated by the difference between Bongard's uncertainty and Shannon's entropy. The maximum amount of disinformation corresponds to the case of zero prior uncertainty of the measured value i.e. zero entropy. The ratio of the amount of disinformation obtained during measurements to the maximum possible amount is the relative information uncertainty of the measuring instrument. If expressed as a percentage, then it will serve as a quantitative characteristic of the measuring instruments quality and it can be a full replacement for the traditional accuracy class in full accordance with the Uncertainty Approach.


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