Improvement traffic safety management system on railway transport


  • N.B. Chernetskaya-Beletskaya Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • І.О. Baranov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • M.V. Miroshnykova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



traffic safety, system, railway transport, management, strategy


As an organizational system measures overcome negative trends in safety, it is advisable form single system traffic safety management in railway transport in international traffic, which has two levels management. Process organization traffic safety management in international traffic will allow set achievable economically justified safety goals and turn them into life cycle processes of railway systems.

The analysis domestic and foreign experience in ensuring safety of railway transport in international traffic. The problems development single European railway network in field interoperability and safety in organization international transport are identified. The purpose unified traffic safety management system for railway transport in international traffic is implement unified strategy and permanent mechanisms for achieving and maintaining positive trends in ensuring traffic safety; coordinating activities of national railway administrations implement this strategy and mechanisms; organization exchange experience and implementation best practices. A project unified traffic safety management system for railway transport in international traffic was developed and “control system” approach was implemented. Six basic principles unified railway traffic safety management system have been drawn up, which correspond international practice and standards in field of railway safety. It is shown that system traffic safety in international traffic with introduction supranational level government becomes more stable by combining feedback national systems with single center.

An effective safety management technology at every stage life cycle of railway systems is the PDCA methodology - planning (Plan), execution (Do), control (Check), adjustment (Act) - which allows you plan and ensure compliance with traffic safety requirements in international traffic. Not only stage direct operation (intended use), but also at stage creating systems. Optimization is carried out on basis setting and decomposition by stages life cycle economically justified safety goals and control of achievement, as well analysis and forecast traffic safety in international traffic.


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