Project risks of transport infrastructure development


  • H.M. Shvornikova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • S.I. Soroka Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



transport infrastructure, investment project, project risks, classification, risk factors, risk indicator


The article analyzes the problems associated with risk management in the implementation of transport infrastructure development projects. The concept of "risk" is used in many social, social and natural sciences. Thus, risk can be defined as an interdisciplinary object of scientific research. The approaches to the definition and essence of risks and risk factors of projects for the development and construction of transport infrastructure have been investigated. It has been established that transport risk management is one of the most important aspects in the implementation of investment projects in the industry. Therefore, a clear classification and definition of the main factors of their occurrence is necessary for their broader accounting. The issues of financing the transport industry, which at this stage depends mainly on state investments, are considered. Research findings show a link between economic growth and infrastructure investment at the national level. When implementing projects in the field of transport, all financial responsibility should not lie only with the public sector, it is necessary to involve in the implementation of projects and private enterprises that are users of the transport product. The optimal distribution of risks between the public and private sectors ensures the achievement of the project objectives, and the incorrect distribution of risks can lead to a deterioration in the price-quality ratio of the transport product. Rational distribution of risks minimizes the likelihood of early completion of the project and determines the procedure for actions and obligations of the parties in the event of such risks. Risk management is possible only with a clear understanding of the causes and factors of their occurrence, for this they must be classified in detail. The definition of risks in infrastructure construction should include negative events and their size in monetary terms. The article discusses the definitions of risk, risk factor and identifier. A classification of risks is proposed, taking into account the stages of the life cycle of the project and the features of infrastructure construction.


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