On the selection of indicators of the degree of coal metamorphism for the forecast of dangerous properties of shaktoplast
coal seams, properties, dust formation, moisture, metamorphism, regulatory documentsAbstract
The idea of the work is to study statistical models of individual indicators of dust-forming capacity of coal mines, known from normative-reference data on the quality and properties of fossil coal. In particular, the manual [4] provides data (catalog) on the dust-forming capacity of more than two thousand mines. The factors of the first block that determine the composition and properties of coal are the yield of volatile substances during thermal decomposition of coal without access of air (Vdaf), humidity of coal (Wt), dust content in the reflected coal (N) and specific dust (q). In addition to these indicators of the first block, when determining the groups of layers by the dust factor, the factors of the second block were taken into account - layer thickness (m) and angle of incidence (α) with gradation of 35 ° and more than 35 ° [4]. In essence, the values of the indicators of the first block (Vdaf, W, N, q) are a consequence of the influence of metamorphic processes of transformation of coal mines, and the second (α, m) - refer to the mining and geological conditions of the strata. Statistical models of distribution of these factors allow to establish connections between them and possibility of their use for improvement of the forecast of dust formation and other dangerous properties of mines.When compiling the catalog of mine shafts by dust factor, in addition to the indicators of the degree of metamorphism (Vdaf, Wt, N and q), the mining and geological factors of the second block were additionally used - the angle of occurrence (α) and the thickness of the formations (m). By themselves, the values of α and m can not affect the dust-forming capacity of mines. Their influence can affect in a divergence of the applied technologies and the equipment for a coal shutdown at working off of sloping and steeply falling shafts. For comparability of dust-forming ability compared statsiticheskie models of indicators of shafts of shallow and steeply falling deposits on each factor.Based on the research, an important conclusion was made to improve the regulatory framework for safe mining of coal seams: according to the established practice for forecasting the hazardous properties of mines in regulations [1-3, 5-7], by analogy with [4], the degree of metamorphic transformations of coal on one or two indicators without sufficient scientific substantiation of their compliance with the nature of the dangerous phenomenon.
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