Loss of pressure during the flow of electric conductive liquid bylocal minor energy losses of the pipeline


  • N.B. Chernetskaya-Beletskaya Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
  • A.S. Rogovyi National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • M.V. Miroshnykova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University




electric conductive liquid, sudden enlargement, sudden contraction, numerical calculation, magnetohydrodynamics


Today in many industries there is a need to pump electrically conductive fluids.  For electrically conductive fluids, such a number of experimental studies has not yet been conducted, in addition, the dependencies are complicated by the influence of the magnetic field and the need to take into account their magnitude.

The complexity of mathematical analytical studies in magnetic hydrodynamics arises due to the simultaneous modeling of fluid motion and Maxwell's electrodynamic equations. On the other hand, experimental studies are valuable and are conducted to test the operation of devices. The practical use of conductive fluids in industry is limited by the lack of information on energy losses during the movement in the pipeline, which occurs due to the fact that such losses cannot be calculated analytically.

The aim of the paper is to determine the dependences of pressure losses during the flow of conductive fluid by local minor losses in the pipeline, such as: sudden enlargement and sudden contraction.

The mathematical model consisted of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, SST (Shear Stress Transport) equations of the turbulence model, continuity equations and Maxwell's equations for incompressible fluid flow.

The software was verified by comparing the results of experiments with the results of numerical simulations. The action of the magnetic field leads to a decrease in the average and maximum velocities, to an increase in the velocity in the boundary layer for the flow of conductive fluid in a sudden enlargement. In contrast to sudden contraction, in sudden enlargement it is possible to observe a difference in flow patterns under the action of a transverse magnetic field. Both for the sudden contraction and for the sudden enlargement, the dependences of the relative losses of total pressure on the Hartmann number have a quadratic character.

There is a complete coincidence of the curves for the longitudinal action of the magnetic induction vector. The action of the transverse vector of magnetic induction increases the pressure loss by an order of magnitude at small Reynolds numbers. Increasing the Reynolds numbers to the values ​​of the developed turbulent flow eliminates the effect of the magnetic field.


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