Sustainable development of the region's ecosystem: essence and support problems


  • I.M. Semenenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • R.A. Halhash Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • Y.O. Lytovka Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • G.O. Borova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



sustainable development, ecosystem, factor, institutional support, region


The article examines the essence of the ecosystem of the region and the problems of its sustainable development support. In particular, different interpretations of the ecosystem are identified. The ecosystem approach is presented as the basis of the concept of sustainable development.

It is proposed to define the ecosystem of the region as a set of interdependent actors and factors coordinated to improve the social, ecological and economic condition of the region. The region's ecosystem has its own structure, which is defined in the paper. Each ecosystem is characterized by a specific set of characteristics, which determine the potential for ecosystem development, including resources, barriers and needs that distinguish ecosystems in different regions. The stakeholders within the ecosystem structure include public authorities and local governments, the private sector, the public sector, as well as educational institutions and research institutions. Each stakeholder has own functions, which contribute to sustainable development of the ecosystem. The components of the region's ecosystems meet the three dimensions of the sustainable development goals, the simultaneous implementation of which is of great importance.

There are a lot of factors, which influence the region's ecosystem development. The classification of these factors is presented in the article. The factors include internal and external, resource and regulatory, positive and negative impact etc. The possible manifestation of positive and negative impact of the factors on sustainable development of the region's ecosystem is examined. The factors specific to Luhansk oblast, which are connected with the negative impact of the armed conflict, are outlined.

The necessity to create the institutional support of sustainable development of region's ecosystem is defined. Such institutional support includes regulatory, organizational, managerial, financial, economic and information components. These components are realized within the legislative framework, organizational framework, civil society framework.


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