Conceptual principles of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, economic aspects


  • N.M. Pokrovska National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev



post-war reconstruction, grant aid, international technical assistance, fiscal policy, current operations, carbon-free economy, open contract data standards, digitalization of economic information


The article is devoted to the post-war recovery of Ukraine's economy in the conditions of globalization changes in the world economy facilitated by Russia's unprecedented aggression. The main conceptual principles of modeling directions for the reconstruction of the country's economy with the subsequent accession of Ukraine to the European Union have been specified. The author's approach to understanding the properties and features of the stages of post-war reconstruction, which should be the main component of the socio-economic system of a modernized country, is formulated: the author believes that it is necessary to take into account not only the previous experience of reconstruction, where the modeling is based on hierarchy and communication, but also modern digital influence on economic phenomena. The article analyzes the previous experience of grant aid to the affected countries, and also illustrates the economic changes that took place in the country after the Russian invasion. The main components characterizing the effectiveness of the post-war recovery programs from the economic crisis are singled out. Due to the lack of transparent mechanisms for the implementation of reforms of economic processes, we pay particular attention to the solution of this issue, through the involvement of processes of digitalization of society. The rapid development of digital services in the economy will require the development of a system of prevention and neutralization of risks and the creation of an appropriate legal framework in this area and is the main lever in overcoming corruption, which is one of the main obstacles in post-war reconstruction. It was noted that today the international community is already providing constant support and funds are allocated to reduce external financial pressure on Ukraine, improve its balance of payments and ensure budgetary needs, as well as strengthen its position in terms of foreign exchange reserves. Proceeding from the current state of the Ukrainian economy in the process of globalization changes and subsequent accession of Ukraine to the European Union, measures for its improvement are proposed.


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