Management of accounting and financial security of costs taking into account the principles of integrated marketing communications


  • L.V. Vasyurenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • O.V. Orlova-Kurilova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • S.I. Spivak Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity



management, accounting and financial support, expenses, marketing communications, resources


In the conditions of the separation of enterprises with different ownership configurations, the connection of mechanisms of independent pricing and independent planning, the formation of other sides of the market economy, the target course of the entire enterprise management system is modified and its current purpose is to create an information and analytical basis for making administrative management decisions. The article states that accounting and financial support is useful for curbing risky economic activities of business entities, as well as assuring interested parties that resources will not be wasted. While accounting was also portrayed as a manager of resources through targeted and targeted funding, on the other hand, marketing communications were emphasized in postmodern and postmetaphysical discourses, while also seeking to achieve commercial goals. It was concluded that the role of cost accounting should aim at quantitative performance goals as useful forms of objective measurement, although their role sometimes conflicts with organizational goals, such as managerial excellence in obtaining economic effect. Emphasis is placed on the fact that managerial ambiguity in decision-making is evident between the rhetoric of strengthening democratic processes in deciding what should be funded and the conflicting emphasis on the authority of funding providers in decision-making. Such ambiguity indicates a fear of loss of control over resources by interested users of information. The authors stated that the indicators of accounting and financial support should be considered as useful marketing tools for demonstrating the success of the expansion of resource attraction measures. If the enterprise will create an improved system of accounting and financial support for effective management using the principles of integrated marketing communications, accordingly, the creation of information support for the process of monitoring, planning, control and decision-making due to the identification of regularities in the functioning of the business entity at various stages of the life cycle; search for cause-and-effect relationships of changes in key activity indicators under the influence of internal and external factors; diagnostics of the financial condition in the conditions of the global economic crisis.


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