Unemployment during the war: analytical aspects


  • О.О. Khandii Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • V.I. Shestopalov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity




unemployment, socio-economic status, martial law, employment, wages


The growth of the unemployment rate is both a manifestation of negative phenomena in the country's economy and a factor that determines the further deterioration of the economic situation and the decrease in GDP. The number of unemployed people in Ukraine has been growing steadily since the beginning of the war, taking the form of hidden unemployment. Amendments to the labor legislation have simplified the mechanisms of dismissal during martial law and certain issues of employment and the drafting of labor contracts, creating opportunities for accelerating the inter-organizational movement of personnel. However, in the conditions of martial law and the devastating consequences of the military conflict, such as: large-scale internal displacement of the population, destruction of critical infrastructure, loss of property by enterprises, the labor market needs the maximum support from the state of all participants in order to prevent further deterioration of the socio-economic state of the country, and not only to solve issues of regulatory regulation of employment and unemployment. The article analyzes the level of unemployment in pre-war times and under martial law. Special attention is paid to the impact of the war on business activity and employment of the population of Ukraine. The dynamics of employment by region and changes in wages are studied. Considering the high level of human and property losses in the country and the consequences of the war, the urgent issues of today are not only security and elimination of negative consequences, but also recovery. Planning and development of recovery strategies for Ukraine have begun at both the national and regional levels. This is a long process that requires the high involvement of all representatives of society and authorities, local self-government and the development of measures that will allow not only the country's economy to reach its pre-war state, but also to solve the problems of the socio-economic sphere and overcome the high level of unemployment. The work considers strategic measures aimed at business relocation, support of the unemployed and employed population in order to curb the further growth of the unemployed population. Measures are proposed that will contribute to the growth of the employment level of the population, the development of business and entrepreneurship.


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