Improving the extruder unit design of a mobile robotic platform for large-scale structures 3D printing


  • V.Yu. Gritsyuk Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • I.Sh. Nevliudov Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • О.М. Tsymbal Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics



additive manufacturing, mobile robotic platform, numerical calculation, construction, extruder unit, eddy currents


Additive manufacturing has huge potential in the construction industry, as well as in the production and repair of road surfaces. Robotic 3D printing of large-scale structures allows architects and builders to significantly expand the boundaries of structural design and increase the efficiency of their construction. Mobile 3D printing platforms solve the problem of limited workspace. To improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a mobile robotic platform for 3D printing technology of large-scale structures, it is proposed to improve the design of the extruder assembly. This is achieved by combining the electric motor, auger extruder and heater in one housing. This approach provides savings in weight and size, as well as a significant increase in the efficiency and reliability of the system due to functional integration and full use of the dissipative component of energy. The proposed converter for a mobile robotic platform uses an external auger rotor, which simultaneously performs the functions of an asynchronous motor rotor, a heating element, an actuator and a protective housing. The goal of the work is to evaluate the efficiency of auger converter using as part of a mobile robotic platform for additive manufacturing. To achieve the goal, a finite element calculation and analysis of the spatial distribution of eddy currents in the area of a hollow ferromagnetic rotor was performed. The distribution patternsof the eddy current densityz-component, as well as the distribution of the dissipated power density, taking into account all types of losses in the rotor, are obtained using the Comsol Multiphysics software and computing system. The distribution nature of the dissipated power density in the rotor changes significantly with an increase in the field frequency, which affects the quality of the thermal effect on the material.The results of the spatial distribution of the eddy currents of the rotor will improve the design of the converter, provide the specified values of temperature and gradient, which in turn determine the mechanical properties of the material at the output of the device.


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