Development of an applied approach to the organizational and economic support for the development of the Ukraine territorial communities


  • R.A. Halhash Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • І.М. Semenenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • Y.Y. Bilous Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • Y.A. Ivchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



Development, territorial community, organizational and economic support, subsystem, applied approach


This article proposes an applied approach to organizational and economic support for development, which will embody a set of methods and ways of influencing the development of territorial communities. To develop and implement an applied approach to the organizational and economic support for the development of territorial communities, the main tasks of the functioning of the territorial community management system are taken into account, among which the most important are the support of the development of the territorial community in the sphere of economy and finance, administrative services, and in social, educational, medical, housing economic, cultural spheres, etc., which should be reflected in the results of organizational and economic support for development. The proposed applied approach to the organizational and economic support for the development of territorial communities involves the interaction of territorial communities, as an organizational and economic system, with external institutions whose activities are aimed at supporting the development of territorial communities by providing expert, consulting, financial, material and non-material assistance.

The article presents a meaningful description of the elements of the organizational and economic subsystems of organizational and economic support for the development of territorial communities, which made it possible to formulate the expected results from the implementation of the proposed approach in the spheres of development of territorial communities. It is noted that modern challenges require the availability of experts in territorial community management bodies with appropriate professional knowledge regarding the management of finances and resources of territorial communities, assessment of the needs, capacity and potential of territorial communities in the support of social and economic services, the ability to identify strengths and areas for improvement, analyze and forecast needs in the spheres of community development, develop plans for solving socio-economic problems based on a holistic and systemic approach to organizational and economic support for the development of territorial communities. Therefore, an applied approach to the organizational and economic support for the development of territorial communities will be useful for local self-government bodiesto use further, since it is within their functional responsibilities to ensure the development of local territorial communities.


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