Tax awareness of the society as a driving factor in the development of e-democracy


  • Y. V. Kulakov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • І. М. Kushal Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



e-democracy, e-government, taxes, budget, digitalization


The article examines the directions of development of e-democracy and e-government in Ukraine, sharpens the issue of the development of tax awareness and tax culture in society. The relationship between tax awareness and the use of electronic technologies to support democratic processes in society, which in turn depends on the presence of a trained and knowledgeable population, has been studied. An analysis of scientific research and existing statistical data confirming the importance of tax awareness in the development of electronic democracy was carried out. The theoretical aspects of tax awareness and electronic democracy are considered, and practical examples of the use of electronic technologies in democratic processes in Ukraine are also analyzed. The research used such methods as: going from the abstract to the concrete, formalization, idealization, modeling, analysis, synthesis, induction, description, observation, experiment. An analysis of approaches to increasing the level of tax awareness in society, in particular, with the help of modern information technologies.the question helps to increase the level of awareness and knowledge about electronic technologies and their use. The significance of the analysis of electronic democracy as a phenomenon of modern society and its role in the democratic process is highlighted. Modern trends in the use of electronic technologies in public administration and democratic processes are described. Ways to increase tax awareness and culture of the population through the modernization of the «Diya» mobile application have been identified. The introduction of measures to increase tax awareness and the terms of their implementation are proposed. Recommendations are given on increasing the level of tax awareness in society and the use of electronic technologies to support democratic processes. The practical work of the proposed measures was demonstrated, their strengths and weaknesses were identified, and additional measures that could be implemented were indicated. The results of the study prove the importance of tax awareness in creating favorable conditions for the development of electronic democracy and provide recommendations for increasing the level of public awareness in this matter.


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