Regulation of international trade: types and tools


  • O.Y. Kurtsev Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • D.O. Koshcheeva Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics



international trade, trade, modern trade tools, sales, sales policy


The work examines the main features and features of international trade, highlights the main tools of modern international trade. Regulation of international trade is a system of political, economic and legal instruments used to ensure adequate regulation of the exchange of goods and services between countries.

The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis, and theoretical generalization. This is how the main types of regulation and tools are defined.

The main types of regulation of international trade:

Tariff regulation is the establishment of customs tariffs on imported goods, which ensures the protection of the domestic producer from external competition.

Non-tariff regulation is various forms of control of trade operations that are not related to the collection of customs duties, such as quotas, standards, certification, quality control and product safety.

Regulating the exchange rate is ensuring a stable exchange rate to ensure the competitiveness of the domestic producer on the international market.

Investment regulation is the establishment of rules and conditions for direct foreign investment in the country's economy.

The main instruments of international trade regulation: bilateral and multilateral agreements; customs tariffs and quotas; requirements for quality and safety standards; export support system; anti-dumping measures are a tool to protect the domestic producer from external competition, which provides for the establishment of special duties on imported goods sold on the market at prices below production costs; intellectual property rights protection system; system of administrative barriers; establishment of tariff quotas; system of non-discriminatory regime; technical barriers to trade are technical regulation norms and standards established by the country to protect the health and safety of consumers, as well as to ensure the quality of products; control over state subsidies. Summarizing, the regulation of international trade consists of various types and instruments aimed at protecting the interests of domestic producers, ensuring the safety and quality of products, developing exports and increasing the volume of international trade.


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