Іnclusive policy of the state during the war
inclusion, inclusive policy, state, war, accessibility, law, equality, process, education, special needs, standardsAbstract
Current approaches to the emergence of the theory of inclusive development, which are related to the problems of uneven growth, accumulation of a sufficient level of tangible and intangible assets, and fair distribution of resources, are considered. Researched and systematized scientific and practical approaches to defining the concept of inclusive politics. It was determined that inclusiveness reflects the principles of the ratio of increasing opportunities for economic growth and openness for people, as well as limitations of the degree of unequal access to services. The need to develop inclusive institutions to ensure the rule of law and economic freedoms is proven. The need to develop unified approaches to inclusive policy, taking into account current challenges, is indicated. The author identified the factors that contribute to a developed inclusive policy. Issues of reconstruction of the inclusive policy of the state during the war are considered. The historical prerequisites for the inclusive growth of the economy as a factor in the development of society are outlined. Modern approaches to the expansion of the concept of inclusiveness and its use as an indicator of the economic development of the national economy are revealed. A number of indicators included in the index of inclusive development, which is used for the overall assessment of the state of the country's economic development, have been defined. The main principle and characteristic features of inclusive policy are considered, the classification of types of inclusive policy is carried out. The main legislative acts regulating the implementation of the state's inclusive policy are outlined. The main priority areas that need to be ensured in the implementation of an inclusive policy are highlighted. A number of problems related to hostilities have been revealed. Problematic issues of the implementation of an inclusive policy during the war are identified. Operational and functional obligations of state institutions to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens are proposed on the example of an inclusive educational policy. The possibility of using an individual educational trajectory to personalize the realization of the personal potential of the person seeking education is determined. The main directions of the inclusive policy for the restoration and improvement of the social conditions of the citizens of Ukraine are summarized.
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