Сriteria equations for the heat transfer coefficient in a plate heat exchanger


  • O.B. Anipko Kharkiv Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Kharkov
  • S.V. Taranenko State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kyiv
  • S.M. Golubieva State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kyiv
  • G.F. Shabliy State Enterprise "State Hydrography", Kyiv




criterion equation, margin, plate heat exchanger, heat exchange surface


The article considers the issue of design calculation of a plate heat exchanger (PHE) and the determination of the heat transfer coefficient for the corresponding type of surface, taking into account the structural dimensions of the flow hydrodynamics and other specific factors. Plate heat exchangers are one of the most common types. Today, in the energy sector, utilities, industrial technology and transport, their share exceeds 30% of all installed heat exchange equipment.

On ships for various purposes, the share of heat exchange equipment included in the power plant, auxiliary equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and others is significant in terms of weight and dimensions.

It is shown that the contribution of the degree of flow turbulence and the thermophysical properties of the coolant is the same. And this despite the fact that corrugation not only increases compactness, but also turbulizes the flow.

At the same time, the degree of flow turbulence and the influence of the thermophysical characteristics of the coolant are "clamped" in constant exponents at numbers Re and Pr. All this together leads to an unpredictable error in determining the heat transfer coefficient to an unreasonable increase in the calculated surface. Therefore, the task of reducing the weight and especially the dimensions of heat exchange equipment for transport in general and for ships in particular is of great practical importance.

Based on the generalization of experimental data, a new structure of the criterion equation for the heat transfer coefficient of corrugated plates of a plate heat exchanger has been developed, which makes it possible to determine the area of the heat exchange surface with predictable accuracy, taking into account specific design features, the degree of flow turbulence and the thermophysical properties of the coolant (Prandtl criterion). This structure is devoid of the above disadvantages.

The application of this criterion equation allows to reduce the so-called «margin» when calculating the heat exchange surface of a plate heat exchanger. This makes it possible to reduce the mass and volume of installed heat exchange equipment for transport in general and for ships in particular.


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