Тhermoelectric modules with different methods of contact connection of semiconductor thermoelements


  • O.S. Kyrychenko State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kyiv




thermoelectric modules, method of contact connection, semiconductor thermoelements, thermoelectric effect


The article analyzes thermoelectric modules with various methods of contact connection of semiconductor thermoelectric elements. Some main areas of application of thermoelectric modules are given, for example, in general industrial blocks and units, general industrial power engineering and ship power engineering, in transport, in measuring equipment, in medical engineering and food industry. The breadth and specifics of the use of thermoelectric modules necessitate further exploratory research to improve thermoelectric effects and reduce thermal stresses in them.

Three-dimensional geometric models of two thermoelectric modules were created, in which different methods of contact connection of semiconductor thermoelectric elements were applied. At the same time, the thermoelectric elements of both modules represented a chain with the shape of a "П-shaped snake". The thermoelectric module with the method of classical connection of semiconductor thermoelements had dimensions of 25.5×30×7 mm (excluding the thickness of the isolation layer), and the thermoelectric module with the method of short connection had dimensions of 35.5×42×9 mm (excluding the thickness of the isolation layer). Each of the two considered thermoelectric modules consisted of 39 semiconductor thermoelectric pairs and contained 20 P-type semiconductors, 20 N-type semiconductors and 41 copper contact connection plates.

On the basis of three-dimensional geometric models, calculation models were created, the calculation itself was carried out using a numerical method. As a result of the calculation, the distribution of the main operating parameters for thermoelectric module models at 2.5 A current was obtained. Functional dependences for temperature, Joule heating, heat flux density, current density, voltage and electric field strength were constructed for thermoelectric module models with different contact by the connection of semiconductor thermoelectric elements when the operating current changes in the range from 0 to 2.5 A. It has been established that the connection of semiconductor thermoelectric elements by the method of short contact into a chain with the shape of a "П-shaped snake" to create a thermoelectric module leads to the formation of irregularities in the stationary temperature field on its hot side. At the same time, the temperature in the places of "П-shaped turns of the snake" decreases, and the efficiency of the thermoelectric effect in such thermoelectric modules will be reduced.


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